Monday, July 30, 2007

My tomato grew a penis

It's true, says Ben H. a farmer in Ohio. 'I've been experimenting with the genes of a donkey and these tomatoes, and it actually worked!'
Ben Is very proud of his new tomato breed, he says that he is planning a vagina tomato as well.
Who knows what would happen if the tomatoes mate?
'soon there will be tomato beings which will be much better than normal tomatoes.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bush Bot

What if Bush really was an evil robot killing robot dude that just wants to prevent Osama from launching the missile into space?
This photo was made by an artist [duh] though one could suspect... .
It is all so obvious , Bush, Arnold, Osama they all work together and from an evil terminator clan with the undead Nazi Hitler!
thats why Arnold became governor and why Bush was elected though Fox without winning the election. So they revived Hitler
and searched the plans of Einsteins evil plan X (the one with Frankenstein his brother) stuck some cyborg technology into it to bring him back to life.

its 1 in the morning and that was the first freak show episode of this site, thank you for reading and come again.